The gradual pollution and environmental degradation caused by human activity and especially the industrial development of our time.
All agencies accept the influence of the environment and other beings and in turn impact on them, so as to create a unity of relations characterized by the dynamic equilibrium governing it. Under normal circumstances this balance is not disturbed and remain unaffected by the nature of the functional activities of animals and plants. The plants through photosynthesis forming organic substances, are eaten by herbivores, and these in turn by the carnivores, at a sequence called the food chain. The death of carnivores back to the soil-containing substances and inorganic form now absorbed by plant roots to resume the cycle of life. It is therefore obvious that the conservation of a species depends on maintaining the others, because no organization can not live alone. If you destroy the habitat, ie a living room type, and this will destroy the very kind, will find food. Eg the release of gases that cause serious damage to plants (such as carbon dioxide) means the corresponding harm to the animals that depend on them.
Many of the bad results are caused by man has since appeared especially since he developed the industry.
At the beginning of his life was not pollute the environment, because he lived like other animals, hunter and hunted. When the Neolithic period and for the first time in the region of Mesopotamia was the agricultural revolution completely changed the way of life, and how its impact on nature. Cut forests to make farmland and build houses, chased strongly the animals were destroying crops. Nevertheless did not cause serious damage in this stage of its evolution.
Things became more serious when the discovery of the colonies caused the industrial revolution, which had some nasty effects on the social life of man.
1) The new form of production could not be done at home, as previously artisan crafts, and require special facilities, factories, installation of machines, etc. Plants not known for their excellent hygienic conditions of work offered so deteriorated above all, the workplace of the man. There are many diseases that are professional and selectively infect almost certain occupations.
2) force people to build homes where there were factories, not to far away from their jobs. Because land use plan or used or serious medical care there, living conditions in these first "slums" was tragic. This situation is perpetuated in most European cities and concluded in the current urban centers to become evil. It can afford to be cost cities, but from an ecological point of view is the worst habitat, because they have suffered huge infection.
3) The industry needs transportation for its products, but this would mean a lot of cars, ships and planes and destruction of natural vegetation to create roads and airports and ports to change their shores. It also means exhaust, traffic congestion and stress, not counting the noise that many consider insignificant, but it has proven to have great and lasting effect on the nervous system.
4) both industry and transport, and modern homes require large amounts of energy. At first reached the natural energy of wind and water, but then took sources, like coal and oil. But these, especially the second, producing a very heavy impact on nature. Even as the whole oil creates terrible infections when poured into the sea with wrecks, because it creates a layer on the water and prevents light from reaching aquatic plants and organisms to make photosynthesis. Apart from those mentioned search of raw materials (metals, etc.) caused damage to nature with the older mines.
The most evil man but he did not directly but indirectly, ie, causing degradation of habitat for other organisms. Death of forests means the extinction of animals living in them and reducing the oxygen in the atmosphere. Rivers, lakes and seas were the "junkyards" of acquiring human toxic substances that kill aquatic organisms. Plants terrestrial poisoned by toxic gases, most of which are poisons and human beings, causing direct effects on the respiratory system or influencing the cells to create cancer. The many fertilizers carried by the water in lakes and seas and cause excessive plant growth, decay and death of fish. Finally, without insecticides kill all insects, plants come from there and come back to animals for meat and milk in humans. Many scientists, especially in recent years, have now realized the only way that follows the self-destruction to mankind and have warned of the danger which threatens them. And many people have understood the problem and arranged to deal with it.
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