How do we know? What do we know? For Climate Change

When the weather changes daily, how can we know precisely how the climate really changing? Here is why getting the science. With evidence of live flowers, birds, butterflies, frogs, trees, glaciers and much more, gathered by scientists around the world. Sometimes the encouragement and assistance from young "citizen-scientists."
And here is where young people and children and parents and teachers can learn about climate change and contribute as they can to save the planet. Climate change is a very critical issue and a matter of time before we start to have deep concerns about the environment. Age does not matter. Enough that we desire and hope. Children can make a difference!
This book combines the talent of two writers with unique skills in leading columnist and illustrator for children's environmental issues, Lynne Cherr and Gary Braasch Photography Award-winning author and the book Earth Under Fire: How Global Warming is Changing the World.
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