Solar Highways?

A different approach to energy problems and reducing CO2 emissions has the Solar RoadWays, based on the replacement of all traditional asphalt roads from highways to solar panels connected together. The creation of the solar highway will use solar panels street consisting of 3 layers:

* The pavement: A layer strong enough to propel vehicles, but also transparent to solar radiation.
* Layer Electronic: contains solar cells, local data storage and distribution.
* Base layer: contains the transmission and distribution of energy and communications networks.
According to the Solar RoadWays solar highways could be built cheaply with tarmac roads, given that the lifetime of the apron is 7 years while the solar highway 21. The financial data should be added to the benefit of producing electricity through solarroadways, the benefit from the power distribution networks and data base layer of the solar highways, and reducing the need for building conventional power plants.
The advantages of solar highway should be added to the heat from the energy generated to clean the snow from the presence sensors for obstacles on the road, and the activation of LED lights at will to update the drivers.
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