Ecosystems in danger

We have built almost anywhere, affecting aquatic ecosystems  in order to obtain land for cultivation, logging or burning forests, open throughout the streets, destroying or poisoning  many animal forms that we harm our interests are varied and spread waste of our environment regardless synepeies.Parallel  for us "we like" the captured animals or products we can produce from them and maintain a legal and illegal trade in wild animals (parrots, songbirds, various reptiles, mammals with fur or ivory, chimpanzees, several monkeys, etc.), with terrible and unforeseeable consequences, just to satisfy our whims. This makes it even more inhospitable place on earth for many species of wild animals.Apart from the deliberate bleeding of the animal wealth in the activity of hunting, which in our country especially distinguished by its strong tendency towards lawlessness and unnecessary killing of protected species in the name of fun, birds and animals are otherwise at risk of various accidents such as cars, oil and other chemicals dumped into the sea and on land, power lines, tall buildings, windows, or are victims of our domestic animals (eg cats, dogs, but even cows and goats trample nests destroying vegetation) reared and feral abandon. Animals die for some of these reasons amount to trillions each year, an utterly unnatural and over-harvesting, unprecedented in any other season. The care, beyond that is a prerequisite to consider the kind of civilized we can mitigate to some extent the consequences of our lifestyle, but is saving more lives. Also operates a preventive, especially for younger generations to see the consequences will respect the wildlife and avoid some of the mistakes of the past, eg the pointless killing and prejudices and the end is a unique way of recording and studying all the problems so they can be proposed to take the right measures of protection.
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