Dependent on oil?

After many battles and sacrifices, the fighters of the French and the American Revolution,
Being dependent on oil, buy gasoline and other fuels for both private use and for use in industry and power generation. The result: The oil we need.
The world has come to conduct war on the black gold (see Iraq). We live now in full black nightmare of our dependence, as well as State-level on oil. There are, apart from wars, and strikes oil. They are demonstrations for oil. They are agreements on oil. Everyone involved with the oil.
We have the oil companies. Which we require the oligarchy. We sell the black gold, earning fabulous sums of money. Require us to breathe exhaust fumes to pollute the environment. We impose upon us and the governments of the world, a policy beneficial to them. We apply to murder, the whole human race together, innocent animals, birds, marine mammals, fish, which can not be moved because of oil have spilled oceans of the world dozens if not hundreds because they do not know how many incidents bury themselves away from the eyes of public opinion, oil. Which the oil companies, As if something epicheirisoules poor and small, do not bother to increase with an even bottom. And we say: Oil companies. Stones + people, mmm ... They throw stones at people ... Yes, stoned. Why? Why do we poison, we steal, beat us, commit crimes and then attributed it to us.
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