How to save the earth;

The muffled roar of global warming echo the ice in Greenland and Antarctica. Glaciers hundreds of thousands of years crushed, melted and poured slowly but surely into the ocean.
With the current pace of global warming, the scientists predict that by 2100 summers in the Arctic Ocean will be as much as 130,000 years ago, when the level of the oceans of the Earth was about ten meters higher than today. You should be worried. It should be very concerned. The global warming is primarily due to emissions of carbon dioxide, a gas that traps air in the heat the planet receives from the Sun. So the Earth is a kind of "greenhouse". The anthropogenic climate change is already affecting us. Extreme weather events such as hurricanes and droughts, are some of the symptoms of global disease. Our children and our grandchildren will have to survive in an unpredictable and hostile environment if we do something all of us directly today. And we are many, each of us by changing some daily habits. How? Read the current issue are some ideas that are good for your health, your pocket and the mother of us all, the planet Earth! Let's save to be saved.
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